First Look: Seven Deadly Sins


Alternative titles: Nanatsu no Taizai
Manga Adaptation by A-1 Pictures


Ten years ago, a group of knights known as the Seven Deadly Sins massacred many Holy Knights in an attempt to seize the kingdom of Britannia. They quickly disappeared, and in the present day, many assume they were hunted down and killed. However, there may be more to this story than the people of Britannia are aware of.

Euri’s verdict: Now I Want Some Pork Chops

Given that the last show I watched also featured random breast groping and ‘seven’ in the title, you could say that my expectations were set appropriately low for this. However, perhaps I was judging this one a little too swiftly, as while it didn’t seem as well put together as the first episode of Rage of Bahamut, it did a fairly good job of setting up and giving a taster of what more to expect. We get to see flashbacks to the mass slaughter of Holy Knights, caused by the Seven Deadly Sins. We meet our eccentric protagonist who runs a bar, carries around a sword hilt and is good friends with a talking pig. It’s all quite Fairy Tail in the way that it has serious tones yet comedic fighting, but the character designs remind me a lot more of Ge Ge Ge Kitaro (though this might just be down to Elizabeth and her hair style). I think the best this show has to offer is with the characters themselves, as the protag seems to be an interesting and fairly weird guy, and Hawk the pig works well as a foil to his comedic moments. It also offers up a few mysteries, such as why the Sins didn’t accomplish their task, where they are now, and whether or not they are as evil as people seem to think they are. It would be nicer without the ‘grope boobs for a cheap gag’ mentality, but I think this offers plenty aside from that to make it worth a watch. Hopefully the rest of the show turns out to be good fun, too!


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