The title of the show, in fancy Japanese text, with the english name below it. The text is white and pink and orange, and the background is an out-of-focus view over a pastel-coloured forest on a sunny day. There are some hazy mountains in the distance.

First Look: The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent

A woman who works late nights in an office goes home to her empty one-room apartment and is summoned into a medieval fantasy world with magic and stuff. It turns out she’s some kind of god-queen or whatever in this new world, and is presumably going to save it with her powers. Also, there are lots of pretty boys to kiss, which is probably the more important thing.

First Look: The 8th son? Are you kidding me?

Shit Protag lives alone in a small flat, passes out, and wakes up as a child at a medieval-looking banquet. He is astonished at this extravagance, positively giddy to have landed so luckily in the lap of luxury. Turns out, though, that it was all just a put-on for a wedding; this family can not afford to actually live like this, so they eat stale bread and homeopathic soup for every meal. This justifies intensifying inequality even further.