Coppelion: Episode 3


Recap: The girls meet Denjiro Shiba, who is not only the mysterious man who has been making delivery drives to the survivors, but is also the engineer responsible for building the plant that destroyed Tokyo.

Gee’s Thoughts: Man, that was uh…kinda dumb. I kinda get where they were going with this episode. You have a contrast between the old man with a checkered past filled with regrets versus the young women with an even more fucked up past who fight on regardless. Though I guess I’m still kind of unimpressed with the “drama” of the Coppelion girls being genetically modified and artificially raised. If their personalites were genuinely strange or inhuman, or had some kind of physical abnormality that made it obvious they were artificial, I could see the drama. But seeing as they’re literally just regular high school girls with super powers, I have a serious hard time taking their internal tragedy seriously.


The second half is where things started to fall apart for me though. Sure, they’re Japanese so military culture isn’t as big there, but are you telling me none of those people could properly identify a goddamn B2 stealth bomber? It is literally one of the most recognizable planes on the planet, and even if the girls didn’t recognize it due to having been born after the incident, there’s no way two adult men could mistake a B2 for a crow. It would be like if somebody wrote a story about World War II and the characters couldn’t recognize a P-51 Mustang. It’s just one of those kinds of world breaking stupidities that really makes a guy consider dropping the show altogether.

That said, looks like we’re getting some crazy jeep and missile antics next week so I’m sticking around long enough to at least see how that turns out. Who knows, it might be ridiculous enough to keep me watching.


Lifesong’s Thoughts:Well that got stupid fast. Whoever wrote this is so clearly lacking a basic understanding of how real world military tech works that it just completely smashes any illusion this show has worked to build. B2 bombers kidnapping grannies might be the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a long time. It’s a toss up between that, and chasing the bomber down with an old truck and a rocket launcher.

Sorry, but dropped

One thought on “Coppelion: Episode 3

  1. Also dropped. I just can’t take this show with any kind of seriousness whatsoever, and every single scene that’s clearly meant to come across as emotional or even meaningful has just seemed either cheesy or clumsy to me, if not both. Gorgeous backgrounds or not, I can’t watch any more.

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