Attack on Titan: Episode 10


Recap: With Captain Beardface dead set on executing Eren, the trio must decide on their next plan of action: Escape or surrender.


Gee’s Thoughts:

Honestly this was probably one of the worst episodes of Titan. While the anime has so far done an alright job of keeping a relatively even pace, following the tried-and-true one chapter/one episode format, such a method shows its weakness in episodes such as this. While the chapter of the manga this anime adapted was tense and interesting enough to keep me engaged, translating internal dialogue and grandstanding into 22 minutes of animation lead to a bloated and slow-paced episode. The last-second save by Pixis honestly could have happened at the halfway point of this episode rather than at the tail end, and had it done so, maybe we could have gotten some more content in.


That said, it’s around this point in the story where Armin begins to gain some real agency and shows his mettle as a tactician and as a true soldier. While Armin lacks Eren’s…passion, or Mikasa’s efficiency  he more than makes up for it with his keen intellect and desire to protect his friends. Assuming the anime hits the point in the manga I think it will, we’ll get to see more of Armin’s mind at work in the near future.

Hopefully with Eren’s new mission of blocking the hole in the Trost wall will give us some more action next episode. For better or worse, seeing Eren curbstomb the shit out of Titans is always satisfying.


GeeIn addition, for everyone watching this, I’ve created a character guide for those having trouble remembering the loads and loads of characters this anime is going to introduce. While the anime doesn’t suffer from the sameface and rather poor early artwork that the manga did, I have a feeling it’ll still come in handy. I’ll continue to update it every week as new characters are introduced.


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